Friday, May 9, 2014

5 Great Gifts For Raw Foodists

It seems more and more people are becoming interested in eating raw. While 10 years ago you were considered a freak if you told anyone that you did not cook your food but instead ate only raw food, now it seems quite fashionable to be a 'rawy' which is someone who indeed eats mainly or even only raw food.

The Mayo Clinic's Jennifer Nelson, R.D., L.D points out that there is really no sound medical evidence that extracted juice is any healthier than eating the fruit or vegetable and many juicing methods almost completely remove the fiber that your body needs. She goes on to point out that although this is true juicing is a great way to get your nutritional needs met and to try fruits and vegetables you wouldn't normally eat. There is also a caution to juice only what you can immediately use as fresh squeezed juice can quickly develop harmful bacteria.

Nomi: Last week I put out a bunch of recipes called "Summertime Recipes." Sometimes I put specials out, I always have really good specials. But when you sign up for my newsletter you also receive a free seven-part course which is called The Raw Truth. And that gets emailed to you every other day or so until seven have arrived and it stops. It's just little snippets of information about fat and other things like that, and each one will have a recipe with it.

Consider purchasing a dehydrator (a piece of equipment which lightly heats the food without destroying the precious enzymes) this will allow for easier transitioning as it changes the texture of the produce, making them crunchy, crispy and interesting, reminiscent of cooked food. You can make crackers, breads and bases for raw fruit cakes.

The raw food diet consists of raw vegetables, raw fruit, raw nuts and raw seeds. However, some heating is permitted, but no higher than 118 degrees, and this is accomplished with a food dehydrator. The many raw food books on the market provide recipes and instructions involving a food dehydrator.

However, if these symptoms are mild and recurring, an occasional juice fast, even over the weekend such as the one Dr. Oz recently did, could only benefit you. Here's why. Giving your body a rest from solid food, will allow your immune system to properly eliminate toxins, and with the help of organs such as your liver, gall bladder, kidneys, intestines, etc. And let's not forgot your skin, the largest organ in your body.

Eat raw as much as possible. If you really want to reverse the aging process, then look into eating raw foods as much as possible. Focus mainly on your vegetables to start with. Cooking veggies can get rid of some of their anti aging qualities, but by consuming them raw, you boost their benefit enormously. There are some amazing and very simple raw food mum in the incredible anti aging manual that I recommend below.

Avoid coffee, tobacco, and drugs, including pharmacy drugs. Your liver has to clean those out of your organism. The less resources it uses in detoxing the more it has available to heal itself.

Investing in a good juicer and blender is essential, if you are going to use it often. Once you begin juicing and making smoothies you will do it all the time. You will become more creative, and it is a fantastic way to get the kids involved. They will love picking their own fruits and vegetables, and won't mind eating them so much if they have created their own breakfast juice. By doing something as simple as starting your day with a healthy alternative, to the usual boring breakfasts. You will be starting your new healthy lifestyle, if you also exercise and eat healthier throughout the day you will feel so much better. You will wonder why it took you so long to start blending and enjoying the natural taste of breakfast juice.

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